Acoustic Launch Composer

Acoustic Launch Composer for Forms, Text Message Builder and Relational Tables for Message Composer

Acoustic continues to delight users with further enhancements to the Campaign platform. Beginning with the Message Composer launched in 2021, it was followed up by the introduction of dynamic content capabilities in March 2022. In July 2022, Acoustic have taken another leap down the roadmap by launching Composer for Forms, Text Message Builder and adding Relational Table capability for the Message Composer. Enabling Marketers to deliver highly personalised, branded, data driven messaging using a drag and drop interface using no coding skills whatsoever.

Composer For Forms

Before now the landing pages and webform functionality in Acoustic has been disappointing. The user experience and the landing page UI of Acoustic Campaign has remained unchanged from its legacy of Silverpop, and seriously lacking the intuitive user experience we see in Message Composer. The web forms were basic, the editor was equally as archaic, and to do anything interesting, you needed considerable coding skills. Acoustic have not been blind to this and have taken the success of Message Composer and built the Composer for Forms with the same design principles. All the composers in Acoustic now sit in a composing framework linked to Acoustic content, which makes the management of assets and re-use of both assets and global styles easy to apply across all the channel composers. It also means the user experience between the Message Composer is aligned and building Forms is just as simple. Acoustic have taken their competitor analysis outside of the marketing automation landscape and taken form and no-code microsite builders as their benchmark.

The new functionality in the Forms composer includes the ability to configure and define a drop-down menu that updates a text field without having to have the database field defined with the corresponding. Sticky banners allows you to move the submit button around (you couldn’t do that before!) and the addition ReCAPTCHA fills an essential gap from the legacy platform. Forms can be hosted in Acoustic or iFramed into your website for a seamless user experience.

It’s important to mention that Acoustic have separated the ‘Composer for Forms’ from landing pages and are set to launch a Composer for Microsites in the future.

Text Message Composer

Acoustic unabashedly describe the Text Message Composer as the ‘fanciest text message builder ever created’, and I’m inclined to agree, it’s pretty cool. The new composer supports two-way SMS, MMS (in US and Canada only) and Group Messaging, starting with WhatsApp.

The clean user interface makes the send experience a lot easier than before. Users of the old experience will remember the process of setting up IOS and Android messages separately. The new composer generates previews in real-time for IOS and Android devices side by side as you configure both messages at the same. Images and shortened link URLs can be dropped in and previewed in just a few clicks and there’s previews for Apple and Samsung watches too.

Mobile marketers will remember that SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, and messages longer than that will be split over multiple messages. Most smartphones will concatenate multiple messages, but multiple messages incur additional costs. To help users avoid this, the preview in the Text Message Composer will show you the message split in the preview and display the number of messages you are sending.  

By far the most useful feature is the ability to send yourself a test SMS directly from the preview screen without having to add your own mobile number to your customer database or be opted into the channel. You can preview text messages and test your personalisation with onscreen previews using contacts in your database, much like the preview available in the Message Composer for email.

Relational Tables for Email

The final update in the release has been the addition of Relational Table functionality in the Message Composer. Relational Tables allow you to add dimensions to the contact database in acoustic and using a one-to-many relationship you can enhance personalisation with product or line level content, such as order confirmations or recommended products. Relational Tables have been a longstanding feature of Acoustic Campaign that until now have been missing from the Message Composer experience.

Ever seeking for ways to improve the user experience in Message Composer, Acoustic have made the process of generating and adding Relational Table markup to your email a simple and pain free experience. Relational content can be queried and displayed in columns, vertically or left to right. The composer now generates the markup in the drag and drop interface.  In the (now legacy) classic email composer Relational Table markup was fiddly to generate, format and insert into your HTML. Acoustic recognise that and by continuing the no-code principle, have not just filled a gap in the Message Composer functionality but delivered an enhancement that exceeds expectations and empowers Marketers to deliver high quality content with ease.

If you would like to find out more about Composer, do get in touch.


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