Acoustic URL Changes
Here’s what you need to know
Throughout 2020 Acoustic (formally Silverpop) is providing a streamlined user experience across products, including updated branding, improved navigation, and enhanced design.
These branding updates include changes to product URLs, affecting how users’ access and integrate with Acoustic products.
What do these URL changes mean for your organisation?
If you have any of the following integrations, the relevant URL will need to be updated in the application before it’s end of life date (June 2020 in most cases). Your internal teams will also need to be made aware of the changes, so they start using the new URLs.
- Unica/Acoustic integration
- Acoustic Exchange (UBX)
- API integrations
- Automations via sFTP
Commonly used URLs
- Acoustic Campaign
- Support portal
- Transact
- Acoustic Exchange (UBX)
- Performance Insights
A full list of URL changes is available at
If a URL is listed as “Continuing Availability through 2020,” this indicates that there is no currently scheduled end-of-life date for that URL. In these cases, we encourage customers to adopt the new URL as soon as possible, even though there is not a specified deadline.
Note: there are no changes scheduled for Mobile Push SDK BaseURL. Mobile customers will be notified if anything changes.
What do you need to do?
If you are a Purple Square Application Management customer, we will assess your environment and work with you to apply any necessary changes. We’ll be in touch to provide you with any updates.
If you are not one of our Application Management clients and require assistance with this process, please reach out to us for details on how we can help.
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